Bratz x Revolution Makeup Holiday Collection: A Lookin' Bratz Review!

Hey Angelz!

Before 2021 comes to an end, I want to give y’all one more review of some products that were sent to me by Revolution Makeup! I also have a review of the GCDS dolls on the way, but that will likely come out in the new year as I am still waiting for Yasmin. Revolution Makeup was kind enough to gift me some of their latest Bratz x Revolution products that launched late last month, which I’m going to show y’all in this article! Keep on reading to see tons of pictures of the new makeup, including swatches of the eyeshadow palettes and lip glosses.

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Bratz Holiday Felicia: A Lookin' Bratz Review!

Hey Angelz!

If you’ve been keeping up with the latest Bratz news with Lookin’ Bratz on social media and, then you’ll recall that these past few weeks have been full of news about upcoming Bratz dolls! The start of this news cycle began with the reveal of the new Bratz Holiday Felicia doll, and now I’m excited to share that the Bratz team at MGA Entertainment has sent me a Holiday Felicia! If you want to see a detailed review on the upcoming Bratz Holiday Felicia doll, including tons of pictures, then keep on reading!

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Bratz x GCDS Collection: What We Know So Far! (UPDATED 12/01/21)

Hey Angelz!

With Rock Angelz being delayed and Holiday Felicia not being released yet, who would’ve thought we’d be getting the Bratz Designer dolls so quickly? So much news has come out regarding upcoming Bratz releases, but nothing has intrigued fans more than the Bratz x GCDS collaboration. Fans were shook when doll collector Jian Yang found the Bratz x GCDS Designer Sasha and Yasmin dolls at a Toys”R”Us store in Singapore nearly two weeks ago. The news even made its way to Diet Prada, and now the dolls and collection are ready to launch! For all of the information available regarding the Bratz x GCDS collaboration, check out the rest of this article for a breakdown of details!

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Bratz Holiday 20 Yearz Special Edition Felicia: What We Know So Far! (UPDATED 12/01/21)

Hey Angelz!

If you follow Lookin’ Bratz on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook (and if you aren’t, perhaps it’s time to reconsider), then you know that the rumored Bratz Holiday Felicia is officially coming out soon! While details are scarce right now, I have compiled all the available information into this article. Keep reading if you want to learn more about the upcoming Bratz Holiday Felicia release!

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Bratz Rock Angelz 20 Yearz Special Edition Dolls: What We Know So Far! (UPDATED 11/18/21)

If you’ve been following Lookin’ Bratz (@lookinbratz) on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, you’ll know that there’s been tons of news regarding the Bratz Rock Angelz 20 Yearz Special Edition reproduction dolls! This blog post is intended as a breakdown of what news has come out, focusing on the details of the release of the new Rock Angelz reproduction dolls. Keep reading if you want to learn more!

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