Welcome to the Lil’ Bratz Screening Guide, created by LookinBratz.com! On this page, you will find a chart with every Lil’ Bratz face screening (also referred to as a ‘faceup’) that has been in circulation since the spinoff’s debut in 2002. Please note that this page may take longer to load as it is content heavy and works best on desktop rather than mobile/tablet.
When you click on a specific screening, you will jump to a section that features every released Lil’ Bratz doll that uses that respective screening. From there, you can click on a specific doll to visit its page in the Database and get more information on it—such as head mold, body mold, hair type, or if the doll and/or its clothing has been recycled for or from other releases, among other info. This page showcases every Lil’ Bratz doll released, including playset, giftset, and multipack exclusives; please note that dolls with packaging variants or that have been recycled various times do not appear on this Screening Guide page. A star symbol (*) indicates that a doll was also released as part of a giftset/multipack or has been recycled after its initial release; details for these releases can be found on the product’s notes (by clicking on the product) in the Database.
This page does not feature spinoffs like Lil’ Boyz or dolls that are similar in scale to Lil’ Bratz (which may be categorized on the “Miscellaneous” page), which have their own screening guides that can be found in the main Screening Guides page alongside other spinoffs. Please note that the original Lil’ Bratz head sculpt exclusively uses a scaled-down version of the original Bratz open mouth head; the head sculpt would later be changed in 2006 and again in 2008.
When identifying a screening, it is recommend to count the amount of top and bottom lashes a doll has, and pay attention to the dolls’ eye and lip shapes—including eye shine dots and highlights! The screenings are organized by release year and then alphabetically; each screening section will be organized as follows: original doll(s), release year, alphabetical. The templates in the master chart below do not have distinct features such as beauty marks, but they may be featured on some characters (such as Yasmin, for example) with these screenings.
screening master chart
GENERAL DETAILS: Introduced in 2002; 3 top lashes, 3 bottom lashes; used on the 2002 Lil’ Bratz head; main screening for non-Jade characters in 2003.
NOTES: Refined after initial release.
GENERAL DETAILS: Introduced in 2002; 3 top lashes, 2 bottom lashes; used on the 2002 Lil’ Bratz head; main screening for Jade between 2002-2003.
NOTES: Refined after initial release.
GENERAL DETAILS: Introduced in 2002; 3 top lashes, 2 bottom lashes; used on the 2002 Lil’ Bratz head; only used twice.
NOTES: Refined after initial release.
GENERAL DETAILS: Introduced in 2002; 2 top lashes, 2 bottom lashes; used on the 2002 Lil’ Bratz head; only used twice.
NOTES: Refined after initial release.
GENERAL DETAILS: Introduced in 2003; 5 top lashes, 2 bottom lashes; used on the 2002 Lil’ Bratz head; main Lil’ Bratz screening between 2004-2005.
GENERAL DETAILS: Introduced in 2006; 4 top lashes, no bottom lashes; used on the 2006 Lil’ Bratz Funk House head; only used twice.
GENERAL DETAILS: Introduced in 2006; 4 top lashes, no bottom lashes; used on the 2006 Lil’ Bratz Funk House head; only used twice.
Bedroom Phone Case Cloe/Yasmin
GENERAL DETAILS: Introduced in 2008; 4 top lashes, 3 bottom lashes; used on the 2008 Lil’ Bratz head; used on half of the Lil’ Bratz lineup in 2008.
Surprise Locket Cloe/Jade/Yasmin
GENERAL DETAILS: Introduced in 2008; 3 top lashes, 2 bottom lashes; used on the 2008 Lil’ Bratz head; used on half of the Lil’ Bratz lineup in 2008.