Bratz 2024 Masterpost (Upcoming Dolls + Links, Media, and More!) (UPDATED 12/26/24)

Hey Angelz!

Welcome to the Bratz 2024 Masterpost! You know the drill… new year, new Bratz! This post will act as an organized resource for Bratz fans regarding news that comes out this year, and will be consistently updated with news as it comes out. Please keep in mind: If it’s not in this article, then I don’t have information on it! Please do not comment or message inquiring about information that is not featured in this article, because this is quite literally every piece of information publicly available.

Read More Update!

Hey Angelz!

So… it’s been almost two years since I announced I would be making some big updates to the website. I wanted to discuss this a bit more and how my ideas from that point in time have evolved, as well as some of my personal struggles with keeping up with the website and everything else I have going on. I would have typically made this type of update across my socials, but I felt it was best to utilize the blog to flesh out my thoughts and feelings.

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Bratz x Kylie Jenner Collection: A Lookin' Bratz Review!

Love her or hate her, Kylie Jenner has been on a roll this year between launching a new clothing brand, a recent guest star stint on The Simpsons, and—most of all—collaborating with MGA Entertainment on a line of Bratz dolls and collectibles. While this collaboration has been the topic of controversy, it has proven to be a celebrated release for Bratz and Kylie Jenner fans alike… but maybe not for the reasons you would think!

For some context of how the Bratz x Kylie Jenner collab came out, well… there’s some history! The Bratz x Kylie collab wasn’t officially announced till this past August, but listings for “Bratz Celebrity” dolls surfaced as early as December of last year, with many fans speculating who the secret celeb could be. At some point this year, a pair of boots with Kylie’s signature (often used on the packaging of her Kylie Cosmetics lip kits) were leaked, leading fans to believe Bratz was collaborating with Kylie Jenner. This past July, a Reddit user found a display for the Mini Bratz x Kylie Jenner Series 1 collectibles, confirming that the celebrity collab was in fact with Kylie Jenner. The first series of the Mini Bratz x Kylie collab launched in August, followed by the launch of the 10-inch “Day” and “Night” dolls, which will soon be followed with a second series of Mini Bratz and the 24-inch Kylie doll.

The Bratz x Kylie collab has led to a major revitalization of the Bratz brand in physical stores, with Walmart stores across the United States exclusively displaying the current Bratz lineup in a “Bratz World” retail experience. Do the latest Bratz x Kylie releases align well with the current Bratz roster, or has Kylie not proven herself as a member of the Bratz Pack? MGA Entertainment was kind enough to send me the Bratz World PR kit, including the Kylie Day and Night dolls! Keep reading for a detailed review on the Bratz x Kylie Jenner dolls, including tons of pictures plus details on the dolls’ hair, faces, and accessories!

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Bratz Series 1 Budget Dolls: A Lookin' Bratz Review!

Hey Angelz!

A few months ago, images from a toy event featuring scaled-back versions of the Bratz 20 Yearz Special Edition dolls leaked. While it’s remained unknown where these versions of the First Edition dolls would be released or if they would be at all, I am happy to finally share information about this release! The Bratz team at MGA Entertainment was kind enough to send me a set of these budget re-releases, which calls for a mini review! Keep reading for a detailed review on the Bratz Series 1 budget dolls (not their official name, but it seems like the most appropriate title), including pictures and details on the dolls’ hair, faces, accessories, how they differ from the original releases, and information on where they will be sold!

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Lookin' Bratz Comments
Bratz Pretty 'N' Punk: A Lookin' Bratz Review!

Hey Punkz!

Since August 2022, the Bratz Pretty ‘N’ Punk reproductions have been confirmed—but, it’s taken nearly a year for them to “officially” release. Originally slated to be split into two waves for January and March releases, the dolls were pushed to the Fall season as many toy companies delayed their Spring releases because sales were struggling. Despite this, the first wave—Yasmin, Cloe, and Jade—found their way to Myer stores in Australia earlier this year causing confusion amongst fans about when these dolls would be available elsewhere. On top of all this, there was an uncertainty about the inclusion of Sasha as she was not featured in the original 2005 collection.

After all the waiting and curiosity, is Pretty ‘N’ Punk worth the hype that’s been built up around it for so long? Following in the footsteps of Rock Angelz and Girls Nite Out, Pretty ‘N’ Punk is the third themed line to receive a reproduction since the Bratz re-entered the doll market in 2021. While the Rock Angelz reproductions were not well-received by fans and the general public, the Girls Nite Out line proved that MGA was capable of producing well-made and authentic Bratz dolls. Can PNP prove to be as strong as GNO, or does it fall back to the Rock Angelz reproduction era?

The Bratz team at MGA Entertainment was kind enough to send me the full Pretty ‘N’ Punk line and I am so excited to finally share my thoughts and opinions about this release! Keep reading for a detailed review on the Bratz Pretty ‘N’ Punk dolls, including tons of pictures plus details on the dolls’ hair, faces, accessories, and how they differ from the original releases!

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